Guy Headsot

Guy Moore

Year of Call: 2006

Areas of Practice:

Matrimonial and Financial Remedy, TOLATA, Inheritance

Practice overview:
Guy Moore was called to the bar in 2006, on transfer from private practice as a solicitor.

He has specialised in family law since 1992 and although he has experience in a wide range of family work, his practice now centres around financial and property disputes arising from divorce and separation and property disputes involving cohabitees.

He also provides advice and representation in respect of inheritance disputes.

Guy is often called upon to assist in cases involving significant assets and complicated issues such third-party interests and foreign property.

He is skilled in identifying the issues in cases and providing concise, clear, and realistic advice at the earliest opportunity. Solicitors often value Guy’s knowledge and experience of private practice acquired prior to joining the bar.

Guy is authorised by the Bar Council to undertake public access work and to conduct litigation.
Qualified while in private practice
Gray’s Inn
Family Law Bar Association
Law Society

Get in touch now to book a specialised Family Barrister

Office telephone: 01633 215112
Out of office hours: 07713 475998